Get My Exact Step-by-Step System for Healing Money Wounds, Receiving More Wealth, & Upgrading Your Bank Account From Middle Class to High Net Worth 💰🚀


It’s time to leave “just enough” land, ditch the feast & famine cycles, and permanently upgrade your bank account from good to great. You want to live a first class life but you’re on a ‘main cabin’ budget and it’s time for that to change. ⏰

Keep scrolling to learn more. This is wildly different than anything you've seen before.

You are tired of...

  • Pretending to have it all figured out, while secretly yearning for more money 😳

  • Going through cycles of feeling abundant, only to return back to feelings of lack and scarcity 🔄

  • Feeling like you’re getting ahead financially, yet your bank account looks the same 🤨

As an entrepreneur or solid earner, you’ve probably received some unexpected income (hello new clients, a tax refund, or sweet bonus) only to have an unexpected expense pop up and the money disappears faster than you can say abracadabra. 🪄🎩

You’ve probably also had times when you feel abundant AF so you hire the new team member, give yourself that extra bonus, or pull the trigger on that investment you’ve been eyeing – only to be pulling your hair out a few weeks later when you’re wondering if you’ll make payroll, where your next dollar will come from, and how on Earth you’re in this situation.

(It’s more common than you think.)

You want to build wealth so…

You Tried Sticking to a Strict Budget

BUT - it's not very fun and, let's face it, you're past the days of eating ramen and declining social invitations.

You Tried to Just Make More Money

BUT - burnout is a real thing and you didn't notice a big enough difference in your bank account to make it worthwhile.

You Tried to 'Woo' Your Way to Wealth

BUT - all the money affirmations & mindset books didn't cause the magical wealth upgrade you hoped for.


Here are some common issues for high-achievers (women in particular 👀):

  • Setting big money goals but secretly feeling undeserving or unworthy of big wealth (like private jet kinda wealth 🛫)

  • Worrying about what others will think if you get too rich (surely Aunt Jo, that old friend from high school, or some internet trolls will be judgy 🧌)

  • Being so hyper aware of money that it’s hard to splurge, indulge, or even enjoy a vacation without thinking about how much money you’re spending 🧐

  • Wanting to make big money moves, but feeling paralyzed by the idea that you might make a bad choice and f/ck it all up 😵‍💫

  • Knowing you want to grow your income exponentially, but feeling scared that you’ll burn out…sacrificing your health and your family in the process 🫠

  • Feeling equal parts rich bitch and broke fool – unable to get off the money roller coaster and simply grow wealth steadily and predictably 🎢

These challenges can leave you feeling frustrated, discouraged, and even defeated. You may have started to wonder if you'll ever achieve the wealth you want or if it’s a foolish dream.

Here’s the thing.

There’s a reason nothing you’ve tried has stuck.

(Or hasn’t gotten you all the way to your goals.)

Not a single money mindset book, program, or course addresses the root cause that’s actually perpetuating feast/famine cycles and underlying money anxiety.

And not a single business strategy or tactic can touch it either. 😱

You must heal the root cause of your money drama.

And until you do, all the same cycles and patterns will continue repeating.


I’m sure if you’ve heard the saying “if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.” 👀

Point being – if you want a different result, you’ve got to
do something different.

You’ve got to heal the root cause.

💥You’ve got to permanently heal your money wounds.💥

And that’s exactly what we do together inside Money Wound Medicine®.

This revolutionary program is specifically designed to address the unique challenges of going from middle class to high-net worth, permanently disrupting your old patterns & cycles with money, preparing your mind and body for more wealth, and activating your receiving mode so more money can flow to you with ease. 💰🚀💛

What Makes Money Wound Medicine® Different?

It’s the only program designed to address the root cause of your money patterns and elicit a permanent change.

This program is not simply money mindset; rather it reprograms the subconscious mind (which is the part of the mind actually in charge) and gets the body on board with wealth which is essential and often overlooked.

This program doesn’t treat all money blocks the same. We recognize there are six distinct money wounds that block wealth and provide unique medicine for the permanent healing of each one.

The Science Behind Money Wound Medicine®

money wound (n): a stored feeling or trauma – residing in brain and body - that negatively affects one’s thoughts, emotions, actions, and the way our body feels around money

As children, when we notice and absorb messages about money, our self worth, and our own capabilities, they don’t simply go away just because we grow up. They stay hidden in the subconscious mind and in the body, dictating what we think is possible for us and what we’re capable of. 🫣

You may not even have any memories or recollections of being told “money doesn’t grow on trees” or noticing that all the evil villains in movies were rich men – but your brain was still taking it all in and it has never expelled all those limiting beliefs. Quite the opposite in fact, your brain has spent years gathering more evidence to prove those beliefs true. 🧠

Your financial anxieties, feast/famine cycles, and annoying money patterns you wish you could change
are merely symptoms of these deep-seated money wounds.

“The symptom is only an outer effect. We must go within to dissolve the mental cause. This is why willpower and discipline don’t work. They’re only battling the outer effect. It’s like cutting down the weed instead of getting the root out.” ✂️

-Louise Hay, bestselling author, founder of Hay House Publishing

These money wounds don’t simply live in the brain. They are also stored in the body. That’s why you’ve felt a rush of panic and adrenaline when you get a letter in the mail from the IRS, or you notice your heart beating faster 💓 when you login to your bank account after you’ve avoided it for a while.

This phenomenon has been well documented scientifically, and as Dr Bessel van der Kolk says in his bestselling book The Body Keeps the Score 📕, “We have learned that trauma is not just an event that took place sometime in the past; it is also the imprint left by that experience on mind, brain, and body.”

There are six distinct money wounds that block wealth:

1. The Money Shame Wound™

What it is: not worthy of wealth

How it blocks: you under-price your services; you don’t ask for the raise or salary you deserve; you over-deliver despite stress; you don’t honor your boundaries and attract others (bosses, coworkers, employees, clients) who don’t either

Once its healed: you can easily raise your rates – getting paid more for the same or even less work; you receive unexpected (but well deserved) raises; new money flowing in like a dam that was opened; you attract high caliber clients; you feel safe and good to say “no” and have boundaries that allow you to enjoy work and life

2. The Evil Money Wound™

What it is: being rich is bad

How it blocks: you create massive internal resistance to wealth; you subconsciously repel money - especially excess, luxury, and abundance; keeps you in “just enough”

Once its healed: you finally get to explore the finest things in life; you recognize that money is just a tool and it doesn’t make anyone good or bad; you get to be the example of tremendous generosity while also traveling first class, dining at the best restaurants, and buying what you like instead of what’s reasonable or affordable

3. The Hard Money Wound™

What it is: making money is hard

How it blocks: you subconsciously add extra steps between you and money; you naturally orient toward doing more and working harder to make more; you experience burnout before you get to the level of wealth you desire; you think of money-making ideas that involve a lot of your time and energy

Once it’s healed: you start discovering easy channels of wealth; you leverage efficiencies and the work of others to help you hit your goals easier and faster; you become a magnet for easy money opportunities; you naturally think of ideas that make you money without you having to do more

4. The Money Trust Wound™

What it is: bad with money

How it blocks: you spend impulsively or irrationally; you subconsciously create situations where money is mismanaged; you give away your financial power to others

Once it’s healed: you feel empowered to make great investments; you trust yourself and your intuition; you aren’t waiting for someone or something to rescue you – you’ve rescued yourself and feel free and capable

5. The Safe Money Wound™

What it is: money equals safety

How it blocks: you repel unexpected or surprise money; you bring control freak and hoarder energy into your finances; you obsess over the math; you have trouble spending and enjoying splurges; you are risk averse and miss out on big money multiplication opportunities; you remain in the rat race of sacrificing now for a future payoff

Once it’s healed: you enjoy spending money and trust it’s circulation; you know that investments and ‘illogical’ decisions often have big rewards; you receive magical & unexpected surprise money; you get to enjoy “now money” and “later money”

6. The Disappearing Money Wound™

What it is: money always leaves

How it blocks: you experience high highs and low lows with money; as soon as you receive money, it’s already spent; no matter how much comes in, the bank account balance stays the same; you often feel more comfortable with debt than surplus

Once it’s healed: you start stacking money and feel safe with it; your nervous system can relax without the money drama; you make significant progress toward long term financial goals; you see a higher bank account balance than ever before and it feels good and normal and safe

Inside Money Wound Medicine® you’re guided step-by-step through the exact system to permanently heal your money wounds and turn them into new channels of wealth, including:

👉Diagnosing Your Money Wounds so that you understand the root cause of your money blocks (and how to pull out the roots so they never grow back 🌱😉)

👉Permanently Healing Money Wounds using the unique medicine for each of the six money wounds so that you can upgrade from ‘main cabin’ to the first class life you’re ready to live

👉Healing tools that are specifically designed to move stuck money traumas out of the body so you feel free and can easily receive more wealth

👉Our secret formula for turning old money wounds into new channels of wealth so that more money can flow to you with ease

👉A fun and fast process to get you into receiving mode so you become an absolute money magnet 🧲

How Money Wound Medicine® Works:

After you input all your information below, you gain instant access to the full program through an on-demand portal. There are over twenty hours of training, but it’s broken up into easily digestible lessons that you can do at your own pace.

You also get
access to live calls where you can get personalized coaching and feedback from Money Wound Medicine® creator, and Wounds to Wealth author, Emily June Wilcox.



"I love Money Wound Medicine" I highly recommend it."

-Lexy K., cash millionaire 🤑

welcome to...

Money Wound Medicine™


  • Precise Diagnostics so that you understand the root cause of your money blocks and how to pull out the roots so they never grow back 🌱($197 value)
  • Permanent Money Wound Healing using the unique medicine for each of the six money wounds so that you can upgrade from ‘main cabin’ to the first class life you’re ready to live ($1,997 value)
  • Healing Tools that are specifically designed to move stuck money traumas out of the body so you feel free and can easily receive more wealth ($247 value)
  • Our Secret Formula for turning old money wounds into new channels of wealth so that more money can flow to you with ease ($448 value)
  • A fun and fast process to get you into receiving mode so you become an absolute money magnet 🧲 ($697 value)

  • Powerful Hypnosis Tracks that Effortlessly Reprogram Your Brain for Wealth ($188 Value)

  • Guided Visualizations & Healings ($333 Value)

  • Opportunity to share your money healing journey on The Joyous Path to Millions - a Top 2% Global Podcast ($555 value)

  • Six live coaching calls each year with Em ($888 value)

  • Access to all program updates & enhancements for LIFE ($1,447 value)

  • A unique way to make back your entire investment in the program ($1,997 value)

  • Pay in full and receive a BONUS Voice Chat VIP with Em ($555 value)

Total Value = $9,549

MSRP = $2,997

Today’s Price = Only $1,997 (80% off)

I know you want to 😉...

  • Fly first class, get picked up by a black car, brought to a 5-star hotel, where you’ll dine at Michelin star restaurants

  • Have a bank account full of “now money” and “later money” so you can enjoy everything life has to offer now and still be setup for family & generational wealth in the future

  • Experience what time freedom and financial freedom feel like – waking up each day and getting to choose how you spend your time

  • Not have to check the bank account - you already know there’s money in there and you can say YES to whatever you want

So here's what needs to happen 🚀...

  • Permanently end the abundance/scarcity cycle that keeps you feeling excited and then disappointed or defeated so that you can steadily see and feel that you're moving toward the wealth you desire 📊

  • Reset your money thermostat so that you feel comfortable with more wealth than ever before 🌡

  • Get your mind & body on board with going from good to great so building wealth feels effortless, obvious, and easier than ever 😎

👋 In Case We Haven't Met Yet...

Hi, I'm Emily June Wilcox

And my money story is far from perfect. When I worked in Corporate America, I had no clue that my mind was riddled with thoughts & feelings about money that were blocking me from wealth. I let my employer dictate my earning power and never questioned it.

Then I became a mom & everything changed...

I left Corporate America and became an entrepreneur so I could be a more present mom. But I found myself working more hours, for less pay, and stressing about money endlessly. I took it personally when clients didn't hire me, I charged way-too-low rates, and I couldn't understand why it all felt so hard. I saw other people who made wealth look easy and I wanted easy wealth too.

That's when I discovered I had money wounds blocking me from wealth.

I got serious about healing them and went on to have my first 7-figure year in business...while working fewer hours and enJOYing life with my babies.

But I didn't stop there...

I knew I wanted to help others clear their money blocks and upgrade their bank accounts from good to great. Since then, I've helped over 10,000 epic humans diagnose and heal their money wounds, upgrade their lifestyle, and add digits to their bank accounts.

Here's what I know...

You going from middle class to high net worth is good for the planet. My students are generous, thoughtful humans who want wealth for themselves and for others. They want to make a big impact on their families, communities, and countries. I want you rich.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I get instant access?

A: Yes, access is instant & lifetime.

Q: Are there live components?

A: I host live Q&A and coaching calls 6 times throughout the year.

Q: Do I have to be an entrepreneur to join?

A: No, this program will help change your relationship with money no matter what type of work you do (or even if you aren’t working.)

Q: How fast can I expect results?

A: Many students have immediate “aha” moments that shift things very quickly. And the deeper integration will happen in a matter of weeks and months that follow.

Q: I’ve tried other money programs – will this one work for me?

A: This is totally different than any other money program out there. As long as you make the effort, you’ll get the result.

Q: Can I join later?

A: Yes, but the price may increase. The price has quadrupled since this program was first released.

Q: I only have a few money wounds, do I need the full program?

A: Yes! You’ll understand the connections between the wounds and many of my students report how helpful it is to learn about the other wounds because often your partner or family member will have them.

Want to See a Sneak Peek of the Program?

Just fill out your info below to get everything listed on this page! ↓

Money Wound Medicine® Program



  • Precise Diagnostics so that you understand the root cause of your money blocks and how to pull out the roots so they never grow back 🌱($197 value)
  • Permanent Money Wound Healing using the unique medicine for each of the six money wounds so that you can upgrade from ‘main cabin’ to the first class life you’re ready to live ($1,997 value)
  • Healing Tools that are specifically designed to move stuck money traumas out of the body so you feel free and can easily receive more wealth ($247 value)
  • Our Secret Formula for turning old money wounds into new channels of wealth so that more money can flow to you with ease ($448 value)
  • A fun and fast process to get you into receiving mode so you become an absolute money magnet 🧲 ($697 value)
  • and much MUCH more! 🚀

Total Value: $9,549 😱

Today's Price: 1,997 (80% off)

Contact Information:

*100% Safe & Secure Payments*

This program is incredibly valuable, highly transformational, and members LOVE it. However, if you watch 70% of the trainings and attend at least 3 live calls within the first year and still don't see the value, you're welcome to email us and we'll provide a 100% return of your investment.






Disclaimer: As all reasonable humans understand, your effort and your timeline for results will be unique to you. And even hard work doesn’t guarantee results or earnings. I believe and standby all of my programs and coaching offers, and, I know that my results and the results of my clients are not guaranteed. If you are looking for guaranteed income or a way to get rich quickly, working with me, taking my programs or attending my workshops isn’t for you.