As children, when we notice and absorb messages about money, our self worth, and our own capabilities, they don’t simply go away just because we grow up. They stay hidden in the subconscious mind and in the body, dictating what we think is possible for us and what we’re capable of. 🫣
You may not even have any memories or recollections of being told “money doesn’t grow on trees” or noticing that all the evil villains in movies were rich men – but your brain was still taking it all in and it has never expelled all those limiting beliefs. Quite the opposite in fact, your brain has spent years gathering more evidence to prove those beliefs true. 🧠
Your financial anxieties, feast/famine cycles, and annoying money patterns you wish you could change are merely symptoms of these deep-seated money wounds.
“The symptom is only an outer effect. We must go within to dissolve the mental cause. This is why willpower and discipline don’t work. They’re only battling the outer effect. It’s like cutting down the weed instead of getting the root out.” ✂️
-Louise Hay, bestselling author, founder of Hay House Publishing
These money wounds don’t simply live in the brain. They are also stored in the body. That’s why you’ve felt a rush of panic and adrenaline when you get a letter in the mail from the IRS, or you notice your heart beating faster 💓 when you login to your bank account after you’ve avoided it for a while.
This phenomenon has been well documented scientifically, and as Dr Bessel van der Kolk says in his bestselling book The Body Keeps the Score 📕, “We have learned that trauma is not just an event that took place sometime in the past; it is also the imprint left by that experience on mind, brain, and body.”